
A Prayer about Waiting and Watching for the Lord

“I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning.” Psalm 130:5-6

Steadfast God,

Many of us are waiting in agony for a harsh season to end. 

All of us are waiting for justice to reign in Ukraine,

Some of us have lost loved ones to cancer or heart disease or dementia; 

others have lost health, friendships, or churches 

in these political and pandemic years. 

Some are anxiously waiting for restoration 

after hurricanes and blizzards, 

and still others are waiting for good results 

from diagnostic testing or job interviews. 

Wherever we are in our wait, 

Lord, make us good watchmen. 

Draw our eyes heavenward, 

to notice your delight in a child’s glee, 

to hear your calming word in the voice of a wise friend, 

to see your light bursting forth in the dark of the dawn. 

May we have the courage to wait with hope because we know:

“With the Lord there is steadfast love,

 and with him is plentiful redemption” (Psalm 130:7). 

Read Psalm 130. 


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