
A Prayer about a Friend Who Loves at All Times

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

Jesus, Faithful Friend,

As my husband and I look forward to celebrating our fortieth anniversary,

we have thought frequently of dear friends, 

friends who loved us faithfully 

in different seasons of our marriage, 

friends who supported us by sometimes offering “faithful wounds” (Proverbs 27:6),

often by “sticking by us like family” (Proverbs 18:24). 

Friends have been there 

through serious illnesses, multiple surgeries, and mourning deep losses. 

Friends have prayed day after day for us 

when we couldn’t pray for ourselves. 

Friends have encouraged us 

when we weren’t encouraging one another, 

showing us the way to repent and forgive 

and begin again 

after conflicts that tore us apart. 

As persistent and kind and sacrificial 

as our friends have all been, 

none have done the one thing only you could do for us—

you laid down your life for us, 

because you called us your friends. 

How grateful we are, precious Jesus, 

for your friendship 

and for how you have shown us 

that friendship through our precious friends. 

May we grow to become friends like you. 

In your sacrificing name. Amen.

Read Proverbs 18:24; Proverbs 17:17; Proverbs 27:6; John 15:12-17.

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