
“The weight of glory is worth the wait.” That’s a Scotty Smith-ism — or at least I first heard it from him.

As Advent arrives, I am waiting on glory. I am trying to pay attention to it when I see it (the word, the concept, the demonstrations.) Several days ago, I was reading about the glory of the Lord and its connection to not showing partiality. Listen to what John Stott says in his commentary on James 2:1:

Moses asked the Lord, “I pray thee, show me thy glory.”

“In reply, the Lord, ever prompt to meet the needs of those he loves, promises: ‘I will make all my goodness pass before you, and will proclaim before you my name.”

“…the Lord in effect answered by saying, ‘You will certainly see my glory, for I will come to you myself, reveal my essential goodness and spell out my very nature to you.'” (John Stott, James commentary).

Let us look for the glory of the Lord in this season. He has promised to reveal it, and He has kept His promise.

“In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel.

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