
The Living Story Podcast: True Stories

Announcing…the Living Story Podcast…

Did you know that you can now listen to Living Story in your car, while you work out, or even while you clean the kitchen (doesn’t that make kitchen-cleaning sound more fun :-)?!))???

FREEDOM: the reason for the Living Story Podcast:

As you may or may not know, I’ve been on a team teaching some lessons at the local jail and work-release center. I love introducing women who sometimes have very little biblical knowledge to the TRUE STORY of the Bible. I want them to see what I want myself and all of us to see – the God who wrote the story of redemption and grace is at work now, this very day, in our very lives.

This is the stuff that life (not just dreams) is made of…Living the story of freedom in Christ.

So if I love sharing these stories with women who have lost their freedom in the world, why wouldn’t I love sharing these stories with all of us who struggle to live the story of freedom in Christ?

I decided I would, once a month, begin telling these stories so people could listen. If there’s one thing the world needs now, it’s to fall in love with the TRUE STORY of the Bible all over again.

How to listen to the Living Story Podcast:

I know some of my readers who are techno-wizards, and others aren’t, so here’s a quick tutorial on how to listen:

There are several ways to listen:

Oh, and one last thing. If you like this project and you know people who would benefit from listening to TRUE BIBLE STORIES that help them live their stories to God’s glory, please spread the word by sharing!

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