
"Just put one foot in front of the other..."

Genesis 12:9. “Abram kept moving, steadily making his way south, to the Negev.” (The Message)

Continuing yesterday’s thought on the pilgrims who only saw the promise from a distance, I reread Abram/Abraham’s story this morning, found in Genesis 12-22. (Rotator cuff recovery allows for LOTS of reading time:). Eugene Peterson’s comment on Genesis 12:1-9 hits the mark:

“The great patriarch Abraham became great because of one thing: He lived by faith. He believed in a God he never saw. He obeyed a command that had no guarantees. He took the risk of traveling to a far country and living there as a stranger. His life was shaped by promises and lived in risk. I would like to live like that — but before I do, I want to know how it turned out. Did anything come of it? That’s the difference between living by faith and living by sight. Those living by sight need to see the entire map of the journey — where they will end up, where the dangers are, where the drop-offs are, and where the rest stops are. Those living by faith need only to know the next step.”

What ‘next step’ is God calling you to take right this minute?

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