
A Prayer about Not Trusting in Our Own Righteousness

He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and treated others with contempt….Luke 18:9

Merciful God,

Open our hearts and show us any ways 

we “trust in ourselves,” 

any ways we think we are “righteous”—

thoughts like, “I’m a pretty good person,” 

or “I went to church five times this month,” 

or “I gave a lot of money to that homeless ministry.” 

Open our hearts to show us 

any ways we “treat others with contempt” — 

things like, “I can’t believe she wore that to church,” 

or  “What a jerk to cheat on his taxes!” 

or “I’m glad I never have committed any of the big sins like so-and-so.”

Lord, you have made it clear—

We must come to you with bottomless humility, 

a deep awareness of we can do nothing “good” without you.

Show us our sin, large and small, 

and send us to our knees, 

begging your forgiveness, 

grateful for your mercy. 

In your humble and exalted name. Amen. 

Read Luke 18:9-14.

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