
A Prayer about Calming and Quieting Our Souls

Trustworthy Father,

How we all need 

the calm and quiet 

David speaks of. 

May our hearts not be “lifted up”—

that is, may we not be proud know-it-alls, 

May we not “occupy ourselves with things 

too great and marvelous”—

that is, may we not spend our energy 

trying to figure out things 

you haven’t chosen to reveal to us (Psalm 131:1). 

Instead, may our souls be quiet and calm, 

just like a baby full up on mother’s milk, 

just like a baby nestled in her mother’s arms. 

As we rest in you like a weaned child, 

we will discover what it truly means 

to “hope in the Lord 

from this time forth and forevermore” (Psalm 131: 3).

In Jesus’ peace-giving name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 131.

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