
A Prayer about the Countercultural Nature of Marriage

A Prayer about the Countercultural Nature of Marriage

Then the man said,

“This at last is bone of my bones

and flesh of my flesh;

she shall be called Woman,

because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:23

 Creator God,

In our season of history,

the idea that one woman could belong to one man, 

that one man could belong to one woman, 

that the two could “become one flesh” —

well, it’s simply unthinkable…if not despicable 

to many in our Western culture. 

Marriage of one man to one woman 

is unfashionable, 

out of style. 

After all, women can stand alone, 

and men and women can “hook up” 

with anyone anytime 

without all the wear and tear 

of commitment 

and emotional ties. 

Oh, dear Creator, 

that was not your design 

for man and woman 

when you created us. 

You said, “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Gen. 2:18).

The only thing you called “not good” in all of creation 

was for “man to be alone.” 

You said, “I will make a ‘helper’ fit for him,” (Gen. 2:18)

a powerful warrior-companion 

to “help the other up” when he has fallen down (Ecclesiastes 4:10). 

You said, the woman shall submit to the husband as the leader (Ephesians 5:22),

to lean into him for protection (so out of style — I can protect myself, thank you very much), 

and the man shall love his wife 

“as Christ loved the church 

and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25) — 

in other words, the man shall put his wife’s needs and concerns 

before his own (again, so last century). 

Oh, Lord, help us to recover 

the beauty and wonder of your gift of marriage 

to some of us. 

None of us is meant to be autonomous in the family of Christ, 

whether we’re married or single. 

Thank you for being so “old-school.”  

We pray for your providing grace 

to help us live out this countercultural commitment. 

In the name of Jesus, our heavenly bridegroom we pray.


Read Genesis 2:18-25; Ephesians 5:21-33.

A Prayer about Never Being Rejected Again

A Prayer about Never Being Rejected Again

…you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you. Isaiah 43:3

Loving and Beloved Lord,

On the day set apart 

on the global calendar 

to celebrate human love, 

we recognize that it’s a hard day 

for many. 

Some endure the seemingly daily experience 

of rejection after a good date 

or ghosting after seeming connection over several dates. 

Others have been married for years 

but are lonely or bitter in that marriage,

sharing home but not heart. 

Oh Lord, how we thank you 

that your “steadfast love will not depart” from us (Isaiah 54:8-9); 

that because we are  your beloved children 

and your beloved bride, 

you will never leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8). 

Not only that, 

but we are so precious to you 

that you sent your Son to redeem us, 

to bring us back to you (Isaiah 43:1-4). 

Oh, Lord, may we all share the love 

you have shown us 

with at least one lonely and lovelorn person today.

In Jesus’ faithful name. Amen.

Read Isaiah 54:10; Deuteronomy 31:8; Isaiah 43:1-4. 

A Prayer about a Friend Who Loves at All Times

A Prayer about a Friend Who Loves at All Times

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

Jesus, Faithful Friend,

As my husband and I look forward to celebrating our fortieth anniversary,

we have thought frequently of dear friends, 

friends who loved us faithfully 

in different seasons of our marriage, 

friends who supported us by sometimes offering “faithful wounds” (Proverbs 27:6),

often by “sticking by us like family” (Proverbs 18:24). 

Friends have been there 

through serious illnesses, multiple surgeries, and mourning deep losses. 

Friends have prayed day after day for us 

when we couldn’t pray for ourselves. 

Friends have encouraged us 

when we weren’t encouraging one another, 

showing us the way to repent and forgive 

and begin again 

after conflicts that tore us apart. 

As persistent and kind and sacrificial 

as our friends have all been, 

none have done the one thing only you could do for us—

you laid down your life for us, 

because you called us your friends. 

How grateful we are, precious Jesus, 

for your friendship 

and for how you have shown us 

that friendship through our precious friends. 

May we grow to become friends like you. 

In your sacrificing name. Amen.

Read Proverbs 18:24; Proverbs 17:17; Proverbs 27:6; John 15:12-17.

A Prayer about Marriage and Intimacy

A Prayer about Marriage and Intimacy

Lord Jesus,

As we anticipate the full intimacy 

we will know with you and the Father and the Spirit

 in the day of the new heavens and the new earth, 

we pray for marriages. 

You created marriage to provide 

a tiny peephole of a glimpse 

into the intimacy you have designed us for. 

In this fallen world, marriage, 

even between two redeemed sinners, 

cannot fully image that oneness you intended. 

And yet, one day, you promise 

that every single person will “dwell with you forever,” 

and “see you face to face” (Revelation 21: 4; 22:4). 

In that day, there will be no need for marriage, 

because the intimacy you designed us for will be perfect. 

Until that day comes, 

bless those who are married 

with a love that relates without shame or contempt. 

Until that day comes, 

bless those who are single and long to be married 

with community that gives them 

a foretaste of the intimacy 

they will one day know eternally. 

In your perfectly loving name we pray. Amen. 

Read Revelation 21:1-5. 

A Prayer about Redemption in Marriage

A Prayer about Redemption in Marriage

Redeeming Lord,

On this my 39th wedding anniversary, 

I marvel at your kindness to my husband and to me. 

We both readily admit 

that marriage hasn’t always been easy, 

because our natural tendencies don’t really fit 

the description of our calling in marriage. 

I don’t naturally submit to my husband, 

and he doesn’t naturally nourish me 

the way Christ does the church (Ephesians 5:22, 33, 25). 

And yet, what we would also confess 

is that you have

redeemed us, 

transformed us, 

sharpened us, 

through marriage. 

Over the years, 

by the power of the Holy Spirit alone, 

through faith in Christ alone, 

we have ever so slowly 

become people 

who will sacrifice our agendas for the other. 

You have been at work, 

making us less selfish 

and more dependent — 

on one another and mostly, on you. 

And my hunch is that’s exactly how you meant it to be. 

Thank you for your redemptive work in marriages. 

When it’s hard, continue to bless us all 

with the hope and love of our Savior, 

the perfect bridegroom who gave himself up 

to sanctify us for himself (Ephesians 5:25-26). 

In his forgiving name. Amen.

Read Ephesians 4:21-5:33. 

A Prayer for Those Longing for a Spouse

A Prayer for Those Longing for a Spouse

Loving God,

We do believe that nothing can separate us from your love; 

help our unbelief.

Today especially, I think of people who are lonely, 

especially those who long for a spouse.

Sometimes they feel unloved, left out, flawed even, 

because they have waited and prayed for years 

for their beloved on earth, 

but you have not yet granted their request. 

We know, Lord, that we all belong to you, 

that indeed “our Maker is our husband,” 

but we plead for those who long for a spouse:

Overpower them with the knowledge 

of your compassionate love for them;

Be near to them in their sorrow and longing;

Energize them with your endurance 

when they feel they can wait no more;

Give them wisdom and patience 

about how and whom to date;

And, if it be your will, 

put that person in their lives even today

who will give them a foretaste of the perfect love 

we will all know one day 

when our bridegroom Jesus returns. 

In Jesus’ beloved name. Amen. 

Read Romans 8:38-39; Isaiah 54:1-8. 

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