
A Prayer about Blessing the Lord at All Times

A Prayer about Blessing the Lord at All Times

Gracious Lord,

We join David today in proclaiming your goodness:

May we bless you at all times—

times when we’ve acted supremely foolish, 

times when we are crushed in spirit, 

times when we are lost and afraid, 

not just times when you’ve blessed us 

with a new car 

or a new boyfriend 

or a new job. 

In all times, 

may we share our uncontainable awe 

at your greatness.

For indeed, with David we can affirm, 

We sought you, and you answered us,

And delivered us from all our fears—

fears of being rejected by our friends or family, 

fears of illness and death, 

fears of being unimportant or irrelevant (Psalm 34:4).

As we take in your glory, 

something amazing happens—

our faces begin to radiate with your dazzling light, 

and where we would have previously hidden in shame, 

We now turn that fiery light outward, 

and shame shrivels and withers away. 

Oh, Lord, indeed, we bless your name. 

You have saved us from all our fear and shame.

In Jesus’ praiseworthy name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 34:1-5. 

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A Prayer about Making a Joyful Noise

A Prayer about Making a Joyful Noise

Hi Friends,

Today and tomorrow, we are going to pray through Psalm 100. Praying through Scripture is a great way to fuel our prayers with the Spirit’s words. It’s fairly simple: we begin with the Scripture and pray whatever comes to mind. I will give examples for each verse, but feel free to simply say your own.

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth (Psalm 100:1)! 

Lord, you know I’m not very musical, but I sure can make a joyful noise. 

I imagine it might sound a bit noisy 

in the new heavens 

with all the saints and angels 

and gorillas and giraffes 

shouting their praise. 

Today we make joyful noises 

about all the good gifts you have given us: 

our salvation, our work, our children…

[Name some of the good gifts you are thankful for]

Serve the Lord with gladness (Psalm 100:2)!

Lord, you are our Redeemer and our Master; 

we delight to serve you— 

help us to remember that we are serving you today 

in driving carpool, 

in talking with co-workers about a project, 

in going to Bible study, 

in teaching children, 

in coming alongside a hurting friend…

[Name some ways you might be called to serve the Lord today 

and pray that you will serve him with gladness]

Come into his presence with singing! (Psalm 100:2)

Lord, we are amazed that you invite us into your holy and glorious presence.

Not only that, you have given us your presence through your Holy Spirit. 

Not only that, but you are rejoicing over us with singing!

How could we not come into your presence singing and making joyful noises!

[You could also sing a favorite hymn or praise song here.]

In Jesus’ joy-filling name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 100. 

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