
5 Verses for Meditating on Christ’s Sacrifice for Us

5 Verses on Meditating on Christ’s Sacrifice for Us

It’s a crazy story when you think about it—a perfect Savior dies for a people who are, shall we say, less than perfect—or, let’s be honest—just plain sinful? As Easter approaches, take some time to meditate on the surprising sacrifice Christ made for us.

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

This is how we have come to know love: He laid down his life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.

And walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood.

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A Good Read for Hard Times: The Waiting Room Devotional

Jesus, Foot Washing, and Servant Leadership: A Devotional

Jesus, Foot Washing, and Servant Leadership: A Devotional

“Lord, do you wash my feet?” John 13:6


Our elder son will never forget the words Truett Cathy, the founder of Chick-fil-A, Inc., addressed to him after his job interview there. Touring the facility with the vice-president who interviewed him, they arrived at the “treehouse,” the then ninety-one-year-old’s office. After a brief conversation, Mr. Cathy looked at our son and said, “I look forward to serving with you.” Our son had two (inward) responses:

  1. Does that mean I got the job?! and
  2. Wait, don’t you mean, “You look forward to me serving you?”

With his words, Mr. Cathy had demonstrated the principle of servant leadership that derives from Chick-fil-A, Inc.’s mission statement.

That story always reminds me of Peter’s response when Jesus approached him to wash his feet (John 13). Peter objects, not wanting Jesus to stoop so low as to serve him in such a menial way. Jesus gently rebukes Peter, instructing his followers about servant leadership in the kingdom of God. Let’s revisit the story.

Jesus: The Ultimate Servant Leader

The time, Jesus knows, has now come, for him to depart this world. Even as he is enjoying his feast with his beloved disciples, he is eager to prepare them for their new life of service. He rises from his place at the table, removes his outer garment, and wraps a towel around his waist. Now dressed as a servant, he begins doing what only a servant, or a wife, or a child, the lowliest in the hierarchy of that culture would do—washing feet. At this point, Peter raises his objection. As we continue the story, we learn five realities about Christ’s servant leaders:

Five Characteristics of Servant Leaders:

  1. Servant leaders must be willing to be weak, even despicably so. In removing his outer garment (John 13:4), kneeling before his friends, and taking their dirty feet into his hands, Jesus performs the role of the weakest and most despised in his culture—a servant. Jesus’ menial act is the basis of Peter’s objection, just as it was the basis of my son’s objection to Mr. Cathy.
  2. Servant leaders serve even in times of travail and turmoil. Jesus washes his disciples’ feet, knowing that he is facing the torment of the Cross and separation from his Father, not to mention separation from his beloved friends. Jesus washes his disciples’ feet, knowing that some will betray him in coming days. Trials do not excuse us from servant leadership.
  3. Servant leaders open themselves to the care of Jesus and others. When Peter objects to Jesus’ washing of him, Jesus responds, “If I do not wash you, you have no share with me” (John 13:8, ESV). It is Jesus who empowers us to serve others. Without receiving his care and love, we have no love to share.
  4. Servant leaders serve because Jesus first served us, just as we love because Jesus first loved us (1 John 4:7-8). Jesus washes his disciples’ feet to illustrate a spiritual point—he alone can cleanse them from their sin. Then he instructs them, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14). Jesus’ foot washing is more than an example to the servant leader; it is the empowerment for servant leadership. Because we have the riches of his grace, we pour them out on others.
  5. Servant leaders will get down and dirty, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Jesus calls his disciples to go into all the world, even the uncomfortable and unfamiliar world. To wash another’s feet may mean sitting on the sidewalk next to the homeless man while he eats the chicken sandwich we brought him; or it may mean enduring the stench of urine in the nursing home as we visit residents there. It may mean entering messy conversations or not exiting miry conflicts.

As you ponder Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, do not miss meditating on his sacrificial service to his disciples. Let us serve because he first served us, just as we love because he first loved us!

A Prayer about Servant Leadership

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you not only showed us the way to servant leadership, you dug the path for us by your death on the Cross. Thank you for lowering yourself that we might be raised to new life. Help us to follow you into the down and dirty places you call us to lead. In your saving name we ask. Amen.

Further Encouragement: John 13:1-17; Philippians 2:1-11.

For Reflection:

  • How do you feel about having your feet washed, literally or spiritually? What encouragement or conviction does this passage bring you?
  • In which of the five areas of servant leadership would you like to grow? Ask God to help you in this area.

Listen: Take My Life and Let It Be, written by Frances Havergal

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Bible Study: 3 Ways to Stick to It

Bible Study: 3 Ways to Stick to It

Bible study reveals God’s glory…

In the previous post in this series on developing Spiritual Graces, I shared the first two tips for “buying a camera” — that is, choosing a Bible to study. Admittedly, buying a camera is not THE most exciting part of photography:-)!

To learn photography, we’ve got to pick up our cameras and actually take some pictures. The camera lens reveals beauties of the world that I wouldn’t have seen without it. In the same way,

  • to discover the glories of God (Ps. 119),
  • to remember the wondrous deeds he has done in Christ (Ps. 96:2),
  • to learn what it means to live in the grace Story he has written,

we need to look through the lens of the Bible.

3 practical ways to develop a rhythm of Bible study:

3. Create a ritual.

Ritual, while some think it means “dull and dry,” is actually a story word.

The Bible suggests that ritual is essential to living out our calling. God’s people gathered regularly to remember and re-tell God’s Story of grace, because when they did, they lived in the freedom and hope the gospel brings. (When they didn’t, they forgot how powerful he was and did ridiculous things like running away in the day of battle. (Ps. 78:9))

To learn photography, we've got to pick up the camera and take some pics. To discover God's glory in the Bible, we've got to pick up the Bible and read. Click To Tweet

Here are some ideas for creating a Bible-reading ritual:

  • Set up a sanctuary. Years ago, my place was a laundry room with a small desk, a Bible, a journal, and church bulletins with prayers and songs. Others have created space in a comfy chair, anywhere outdoors, an area of a cubicle, and a storage closet (yes, I know a mom who claimed that spot and occasionally disappeared there during frenetic days:-).
  • Make it a place of delight. Remember that this is a time of reading, seeing, hearing, the Story of who our delightful God is and how he delights in you. What delights do you want to bring to or leave in your space? A steaming cup of coffee, a cold glass of iced tea, photos of friends, a special journal?
  • Make an appointment. Enter it in your reminders or on your calendar as a recurring event. Look at your day and decide when the best times are: before bed, early in the morning, on a long commute, during afternoon naps (children’s that is:-)!

4. Make a plan/use a plan.

Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. Remember that the Holy Spirit will work in you through your reading, so be encouraged and choose something. Here are some really helpful ideas:

  • Go through a portion of Scripture:the gospels, the Psalms, the first five books of the Old Testament. You will begin to see how the story of God’s grace develops.
  • Use a designed plan:There are so many good ones out there, and with smartphones and other technology, it can be easier than ever! Here are two I like:
  • The YouVersion: I don’t love the name, but I like having the plan on my phone:-).
  • ESV Reading Plans: Lots of different options to reveal how the redemption story can be found throughout Scripture.

5. Study in community.

Extraverts may like this one better than introverts:  Christianity was never meant to be a solo religion, and the Bible was never meant to be read completely in isolation! Here are a few ideas for community study:

  • at lunch: lunchtime study group to discuss what you read that day.
  • meeting regularly with a friend to study a particular book.
  • attending a local Bible study or even one online.

When we read the Bible in community, we help one another remember gospel truths and challenge one another to live in them through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Free Bible Study Planner Pages

Since I know a lot of folks are into planners these days, and since writing out some of your Bible study notes can be an excellent way to develop a good Bible study habit, this month I designed some planner pages for you, along with the top 6 ideas for developing habits. Subscribe now to get yours!

One last thing about Bible reading: prayer:

Some of you may be wondering why I haven’t mentioned prayer, since Bible reading and prayer go hand in hand. I totally agree, so please stay tuned to read more about what many think is the second hardest spiritual grace: prayer.


A prayer about Bible study:

Lord, you created order out of chaos. We need you to create order in our lives so we can stick to a plan to engage your Word on a regular basis. Give us workable plans, good community, and a place of delight, so that we might begin this joyful ritual of spending time with you in your Scripture. In the name of Jesus, the living Word, we pray. Amen.

Photo credit: Photo by madeleine ragsdale on Unsplash.

Bible Reading: Helpful Tools for Healthy Habits

Bible Reading: Helpful Tools for Healthy Habits

Last week, I began a series on how spiritual disciplines become spiritual graces.Today, we look at Bible reading, the beginning place of spiritual graces.

What’s so hard about reading the Bible?

The Bible itself promises us that we will be transformed by reading, meditating, praying, and discussing it (Deuteronomy 8:3Hebrews 4:12). Yet, Bible reading is probably the spiritual grace Christians struggle with the most. Why?

Two main reasons we struggle are…

  • our worldly selves are more comfortable with the quick-fix, self-promotional stories culture tells. Guess what? The evil one wants to keep it that way!
  • Or, we really really do want to start reading our Bibles more, but we just don’t know how to go about it. Let me tell you a little story to illustrate.
What are your reasons for reading or not reading the Bible regularly? #Biblestudy #gospel Click To Tweet

A story to illustrate…

Every fall, I used to decide to improve my photography skills. I have a nice camera, but it often sits quietly, sadly on my shelf. It has lost its capacity to make dangerous discoveries of God’s exotic world, simply because I don’t touch it.

Usually, I would say, “Okay, I’m really going to do it this time.” I would get out my books about photography, maybe even take part of an online course. Before I knew it, my mind was on overload with all the things to know about apertures, shutter speeds, and ISO’s. By the time I went to take a photograph, I was so paralyzed, I could hardly hold the camera.

Then one year, I did something different. I asked my husband, who is a semi-pro photographer (as in, it’s not his day job, but it could be), to give me some assignments. He watched and taught me as I put on the correct lens and placed the camera on the tripod. Once I was ready, questions answered, he led me to the yard and told me to take pictures of one flower from different perspectives. Later, we discussed it, and I came to understand more about photography.

The point is…

Bible reading doesn’t have to overwhelm you!

I hope these suggestions will get you started, not bog you down with too much information. Today’s post will focus on (ha, get it!) choosing a camera and knowing a little bit about it. Next week, we’ll go out to take some pictures.

1. Learn what the Bible is.

 [People] know that God has provided His Word as heavenly food for daily consumption, but morning by morning, as folks wake up to find God’s Word sitting on the chair-side table covered with dust, they wonder: What is it? and What do we do with it?” Jimmy Davis, The Cruciform Life

The Bible is the one true love story.

It tells us who God is and how he’s made the world, including us. It tells us about how Adam and Eve sinned, trying to take life into their own hands and do things their way, doubting that God was really good. And it tells us how God loved his creation so much that he sent his holy Son as a divine human to die so that we could live in loving relationship with him and one another again. Every historical account, chronicle, law, poem, and prophecy in the Bible points us to God’s work of redemption and grace.

2. Use a good study Bible.

I know. Lots of people tell us not to read commentaries. I agree that it’s important to read the Bible straight-up, but at times, good notes can help us push past the confusion to learning and living The Story in real life.
Here are several of my favorites:

3. Read in different translations:

You have more opportunities than ever to do this in the age of the internet:

Four good translations for various purposes:

  • ESV: a translation that sticks very closely to the original languages while keeping it readable for 21st century readers.
  • NIV84: The original New International Version also correlates closely with original languages and is perhaps slightly easier to read than the ESV.
  • NLT: This translation is a “dynamic equivalent” — it conveys the tone and sense of the original communicators in a highly readable style.
  • The Message: is not a strict translation but is more poetic and like reading a well-written story.

Three places to find these translations:

Ready to practice your Bible reading?

Click on any of the above links, and read John 1:1-5. After reading it, write one short sentence or even a few words about what you read there. You could do that in the comments, somewhere on your phone. Or even on Twitter:-)!

A Prayer about Bible Reading

Lord, we thank you for sharing your majesty, holiness, kindness, and unfailing love with us through your Word. We are awed that as we read, you help us know you better! And that’s not all, as we engage your Scripture, you actually work in us by your Spirit to grow us more and more into the likeness of your Son! Please help us begin good habits of exploring your lovely gift with great joy and deeper understanding. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

How Spiritual Disciplines Can Become Spiritual Graces

How Spiritual Disciplines Can Become Spiritual Graces

Re-thinking spiritual disciplines

As many students and teachers get back to school, it’s a prime time to return to or develop good routines. This month at Living Story, I’ll share some encouragement and tools for spiritual disciplines, looking at the means God uses to grow us as Christians. Be sure to subscribe if you want to receive all of the posts in your inbox.

I confess, as a young Christian back in the 70’s, I got the wrong impression about what we often called our “spiritual life.” For example, I thought things like having good quiet times (whatever that meant) or memorizing Bible verses would make me a better Christian and more acceptable to God. Thank goodness for the great gospel news that God loves us because he loves us, not because we are “spiritual giants,” which I definitely was not.

The good news/bad news of spiritual disciplines

The good news is that I learned that my so-called spiritual labors did not save me. Thankfully, that work was done by Jesus on the Cross.

The bad news is that somehow I, along with many other people got the idea that being saved by grace alone meant we didn’t need to be diligent about reading our Bibles.

I used to think being saved by grace alone meant it didn’t matter if I didn’t read my Bible very often. #spiritualgrowth Click To Tweet

Why we need spiritual disciplines:

At the office, the school, the playing field, and of course, on the internet, our culture bombards us with stories about who we are and what we should be. These stories tell us how to spend our money and our time. They often make us feel that we don’t measure up. Then, after we’re beaten down, they teach us how to regain our lost self-esteem.

In the midst of these mixed messages, we desperately need to know the one True Story Scripture tells. This Story reminds us:

  • A glorious God created us in his image, so we have incalculable value.
  • This same glorious God loves his people and pursued us to make us his own.
  • Christ came and died to set us free from our sins. (Gal. 5:1).
We desperately need to know the Story of Grace Scripture tells. #Biblestudy #grace Click To Tweet

Knowing God’s story will help us when neighbors think we’re odd for going to church on Sunday mornings, or when co-workers think we prioritize our family over our work (we do!). We will remember that we do live differently because we are citizens of heaven, not citizens of this earth (Phil. 3:20).

Spiritual disciplines: our means of living God’s story of grace

Spiritual disciplines, like Bible reading and memorization, prayer, and attending church, among others, matter deeply to our calling to worship and enjoy God forever! Next week we will continue this series by looking at practical suggestions for developing and refining practices for immersing ourselves in The Story — the Bible!


Holy God, forgive us for the ways we have misunderstood and abused your grace, mercy, and love. Help us to enjoy the good gifts you have given us to grow more and more like Jesus. We want to be like him; please help us to root ourselves in good soil. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen

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