
A Prayer about Knowing Ourselves

A Prayer about Knowing Ourselves

So if anyone is in Christ, that person is a new creation: everything old has passed away; look, new things have come into being! 2 Corinthians 5:17

All-Knowing God,

When we begin to know you, 

and when we begin to understand 

the hope, joy, and relief 

of being known by you, 

then and only then are we ready 

to begin trying to know ourselves.

What do we need to know about ourselves?

We need to know our sin: 

not only generally, but specifically:

some of us always want to be right; 

some of us need to feel love and approval from everyone all the time; 

some of us need lots of money and stuff to feel secure; 

some of us  get angry easily when they don’t get their way

…and on and on we could go.

[Stop for a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and reveal some of your specific sin tendencies.]

But if we stopped at only knowing our sin, 

we would remain in despair. 

As we prayed yesterday, 

you knew our sin—

past, present, and future 

when you sent your Son to die for us (Romans 5:8).

We must also know 

who we have become 

and who we are becoming in Christ:

In Christ, we already have become (unbelievably to us), 

“the righteousness of God” (2 Cor. 5:21). 

In Christ, we already have become “new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17).

In Christ, we are “being sanctified” (Heb. 10:14), 

becoming more and more like Christ every day.

That means that we are recognizing and repenting more quickly 

when we put our trust in 

being right, 

or needing approval, 

or trusting in riches, 

or getting our way

[Name some things you are recognizing and repenting of more quickly.]

Oh, Lord, what good news 

your Word gives us about ourselves!

The truest truth about us 

is not that we are sinners 

but that we are redeemed sinners.

You have saved us for a purpose, 

and you have sent us to tell others 

the good news of our hope in Jesus Christ. 

Thank you for giving us our identity 

as adopted children,

servants of the King, 

Christ’s ambassadors.

In Jesus’ freeing name. Amen.

Read Psalm 51; 2 Corinthians 5:11-21.

A Prayer about What to do When We’re Afraid

A Prayer about What to do When We’re Afraid

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Psalm 56:3

Faithful Lord,

Thank you for your compassion for our fearfulness.

Today, we bring our fears to you:

When we are afraid that we will fail 

at work, at school, as caregivers 

[name any failures you fear], 

we put our trust in you.

When we are afraid that we have made the wrong decisions 

for our children, 

for our loved ones, 

about our work,

[name any wrong decisions you fear], 

we put our trust in you.

When we are afraid that our health 

or the health of a loved one will not improve 

[name any health fears you have], 

we put our trust in you.

When we are afraid that we will lose our job 

or won’t find one soon 

[name any fears about provision you have], 

we put our trust in you.

Father, you know all of our fears, 

and you invite us to bring them to you.

As we do so, calm our hearts and minds 

in the hope of your kind provision. 

In Jesus’ trustworthy name. Amen.

Read Psalm 56:1-13.

A Prayer about Becoming a Living Sacrifice

A Prayer about Becoming a Living Sacrifice

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1

Merciful God,

What a remarkable calling you’ve given us, 

and how remarkable that you’ve also made it possible!

I wonder if we sometimes slip right by this verse, 

not noticing the “Therefore” 

and wondering what it’s there for. 

Because “from him and through him and to him” 

are all things

and only because of that reality, 

we are able to present our bodies 

as a living sacrifice. 

In Christ, we become living sacrifices

holy and acceptable to you. 

Now by the power of the Holy Spirit, 

we respond in worship, 

in gratitude for your mercy, 

giving you all things

We offer our work to you as a sacrifice, 

asking you to help us glorify you in it, 

whether the job is drudge-work or dream work.

We offer our relationships to you as a sacrifice, 

asking you to help us glorify you through them, 

to love neighbors and family and even enemies.

We offer our bodies to you as a living sacrifice,

asking you to help us glorify you in them, 

To care well for them and to thank you 

for how you have made them.

We offer our minds to you as a living sacrifice,

asking you to help us glorify you in them, 

seeking to instruct them with your wisdom.

And on and on we go, 

with everything that we have 

and everything that we are, 

giving it all back to you, 

because and through the One 

who gave himself as a living sacrifice for us. 

In his loving name we pray. Amen.

Read Romans 11:36-12:2.

A Prayer about What Makes Life Last

A Prayer about What Makes Life Last

And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. John 17:3

Everlasting God, 

In a year when close to fifty thousand people have died in the earthquake in Turkey and Syria,

when hundreds of thousands have died in the war in Ukraine, 

and when we are all frequently touched by the deaths of loved ones, 

people are more desperate than ever 

to know what makes life last. 

Some say, 

“Science and medicine can make life last”; 

others shrug and say, 

“Whatever, it’s all going to end, so live for today”; 

still others say, 

“You do you. That’s where you find life—within.”

You say…

“There’s only one way: 

Jesus… ‘the way, the truth, and the life’ (John 14:6).”

You say…

“Having an intimate relationship with Jesus 

is eternal life, 

life that begins here on earth 

and lasts forever.”

You said…

“I’ll bet my Son’s life on it.”

We say,

“Thanks be to God!”

In Jesus’ true and saving name. Amen. 

Read John 17:1-5; John 14:6; John 1:4-5.

A Prayer about Seeing the Light

A Prayer about Seeing the Light

And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60:3

Glorious King,

As we revisit the story 

leading up to your death on a cross 

and your rising in glory, 

we’re still a long way away 

from your triumphal entry into Jerusalem. 

But the joy we know as Christians 

is that we’ve already heard the end of the story, 

and you win!  

In these gloomy, dark days of February, 

may we see your light burning 

through the thick darkness of our sin, 

the thick darkness of racial and political divides, 

the thick darkness of war and sickness and death. 

The day is coming, and it is coming soon, 

when we will arise and shine, 

when all nations and all kings 

will bow to the “brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:3). 

Until that day comes, 

may our hearts be warmed 

by the radiating glory 

of your brilliant love.

In your kingly name. Amen. 

Read Isaiah 60. 

A Prayer about Longing for a Better Place

A Prayer about Longing for a Better Place

How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the Lord… Psalm 84:1

Heavenly Father, 

As we read the words of the pilgrim psalmist, 

who longed to be with you in your beautiful temple, 

to live with you forever in worship, 

may our longing for our heavenly home grow. 

We all long for the kind of place this “son of Korah” describes, 

a place where “birds find nooks and crannies” 

and “sparrows and swallows make their nests” 

because it is 

a safe place, 

a pleasant place, 

a peaceful place. 

Help us to remember that we are but 

“strangers” on this earth, 

scattered exiles (see Hebrews 11:13), 

that while we have work to do here and joys to experience, 

one day we will live with you forever, 

in your heavenly home. 

In that day 

our faces will shine “with your gracious anointing” (Ps. 84:9, The MSG). 

In that day, 

we will realize that 

“One day spent in your house, 

this beautiful place of worship, 

beats thousands spent on Greek island beaches” (Ps. 84:10, The MSG). 

In that day, 

we will see and sing with all your saints,

“All sunshine and sovereign is God, 

generous in gifts and glory” (Ps. 84:11, The MSG).

How we long for that day!


Read Psalm 84; Hebrews 11:13. 


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