
A Prayer about the Comfort of a Suffering Savior

A Prayer about the Comfort of a Suffering Savior

Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. Isaiah 53:4

Father of All Comfort,

With the losses of recent years mounting, 

divisions among friends and families, 

disease throughout the world,  

death of dear ones, 

we’re aware that this Christmas season 

may not be so merry for everyone. 

And yet, into the silent and dark season long ago, 

you sent your very own Son, 

a baby born to bear our griefs, 

a child delivered to carry our sorrow, 

an infant sent to suffer for our sins, 

Because he submitted to this suffering, 

we can know the “peace on earth” 

we will sing about in this season. 

Because he was “afflicted” by you (Isaiah 53:4), 

we can know the “joy to the world” 

we sing about in this season. 

Even in the midst of sorrow, 

may we see the profound hope of healing 

we have in our suffering Savior.


Read Isaiah 53:1-12. 

Get Elizabeth’s Advent devotional for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/34no8c805q.


A Prayer about Our Tear-Counting God

A Prayer about Our Tear-Counting God

You keep track of all my sorrows. 

You have collected all my tears in your bottle. 

You have recorded each one in your book. Psalm 56:8 

Tear-Counting God,

It has been a long season of loss for many.

Our friends are mourning, as are we…

Some have lost homes in fires and floods,

Some have lost children to miscarriage and the misery of sin,

Some have lost aunts or uncles or mothers or fathers to dementia or death,

Some have lost relationships to betrayal and abuse…

Some have lost peace in their country to war,

We’ve shed so many tears.

How can we endure the pain, Lord?

Only by knowing that you care about our tears,

that you count and collect them.

Only by knowing that you sent your Son

to weep real tears before he died on a cross

to redeem all of our tears.

Only by knowing that one day, our Savior will return,

and in that day, you will ever so gently

wipe the tears from our eyes. 

How we look forward to that day!

How we thank you for your love!

In Jesus’ weeping name. Amen.

Read Psalm 56; Revelation 21:4.

A Prayer about Not Rushing Grief

A Prayer about Not Rushing Grief

I am shut in so that I cannot escape;

my eye grows dim through sorrow.  Psalm 88:8-9

Healing Father,

We all know people who have lost people to death, 

whether anticipated or completely unexpected, 

people who have lost homes and possessions to hurricanes and wildfires, 

and people who have lost relationships they once held dear. 

At first, others may gather around 

and check on the grieving, 

but within a few weeks or a month, 

many people move on,

forgetting it ever happened. 

That’s the way it so often works with grief. 

Our loved one dies; 

our home is wrecked; 

our relationship ends, 

and we are still wounded, 

limping through our daily lives, 

but everyone else has moved on. 

Thank you, good Father, 

for giving us time to grieve. 

Thank you for not rushing us through our pain. 

Thank you for teaching us to lament, 

to cry out to you honestly 

about the agony of our loss. 

Throughout Scripture, 

you give us words to speak to you, 

unexpected words, 

blunt words:

“You have put me in the depths of the pit, 

in the regions dark and deep” (Ps. 88:6).

“Your wrath lies heavy upon me, 

and you overwhelm me with all your waves” (Ps. 88:7). 

“He has left me stunned, 

faint all the day long” (Lam. 1:13).

Lord, in the depths of grief, 

may we keep turning to you, 

naming our honest complaint, 

and may we keep waiting 

to see you shed the light of your glory 

into our darkened hearts. 

May we trust that the day will come 

when the tears we have sown 

will be “reaped with shouts of joy” (Psalm 126: 5). 

Until that day comes, 

bring us the comfort only you can bring.

In Jesus’ merciful name. Amen.

Read Psalm 88; Lamentations 3; Psalm 126. 

A Prayer about Caring for Those Who Grieve

A Prayer about Caring for Those Who Grieve

Afflicted and close to death from my youth up, I suffer your terrors; I am helpless.

Psalm 88:15


Merciful Father,

Today we continue our prayer for those grieving an agonizing loss 

with more words from Psalm 88.

For those who feel: “Your wrath lies heavy upon me; 

and you overwhelm me with your waves,” (Psalm 88:7), 

show them your tender compassion and mercy 

through the suffering of your Son.

Remind them that he endured your wrath fully 

so that those who trust in him might never endure it again. 

Help us to bear their burdens by believing for them 

as they wrestle with their unbelief. 

For those who feel: “O Lord, why do you cast my soul away? 

Why do you hide your face from me?” (Psalm 88:14),

Draw near to them in their doubt, 

show them your grace.  

May we enter their grief, 

not with words of explanation for the inexplicable, 

but with presence for those who keenly feel your absence. 

Most of all, Father, we thank you for these dark and harsh words of grief 

written right here in our Bibles. 

May we share them with our grieving friends, 

inviting them to lament their losses. 

You are faithful, and you will hear our prayers.

In Jesus’ grieving name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 88:1-18.

A Prayer about Getting Good at Grief

A Prayer about Getting Good at Grief

I am shut in so I cannot escape; my eye grows dim through sorrow.

Psalm 88:9

Compassionate Father,

We don’t pray Psalm 88 enough, 

and maybe that’s why we’re not very good at grief. 

Today, we use the words of this dark yet hopeful Psalm

 to cry out for ourselves or for friends 

walking through agonizing losses:

For those who feel: 

“You have caused my companions to shun me; 

you have made me a horror to them” (Psalm 88:8),

come close in their isolation, 

and send us as comfort in the flesh. 

May we never shrink back from horrific suffering, 

but may we enter into it with your grace and hope. 

For those who feel: “I am a man (or woman) who has no strength” (Psalm 88:4),

soothe them with the rest they desperately need, 

and provide the energy to do the things they must do. 

Send us to lift them up, 

whether in prayer or in service, 

Most of all, Father, 

help our friends to see that they’re not alone, 

that you have supplied them with a great cloud of witnesses 

to walk with them in this long and torturous journey.

In Jesus’ faithful name. Amen.

Read Psalm 88:1-18.

A Prayer about Our Hope in Broken Stories

A Prayer about Our Hope in Broken Stories

They shall build up the ancient ruins; they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations. Isaiah 61:4

Restoring God,

Today we lift up all who are in the middle of a story 

that feels like it has been torn up and tossed in the trash. 

The woman who has had three miscarriages in the past two years,

The child who just heard of her parent’s divorce,

The man who has received a cancer diagnosis, 

The people who experience marginalization 

because of their skin color or nationality…

The list goes on and on and on. 

Help us to look for what we really need to see 

in the midst of such stories: 

your restoring work that is happening even today 

and will be completed when Jesus returns.

Here is just some of the good news Jesus speaks to us through Isaiah: 

Instead of streaks of tears sullying your face, 

your face will shine with the oil of gladness

 and the hope of restoration (Isaiah 61:3).

No longer shriveled by sin and sadness, 

you will stand strong, 

planted firmly in the Lord’s steadfast love, 

like a mighty oak waving its leaf-laden branches 

in praise of the Lord’s glory (Isaiah 61:3).

The ruins of your life will be rebuilt, 

losses to the evil one will be restored, 

relationships ravaged by sin will be revived (Isaiah 61:4).

Help us to meditate on this future 

which you are writing into our broken stories even today.

In Jesus’ redeeming name. Amen.

Read Isaiah 61:1-11.

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