
A Prayer about Not Wavering in Worry

A Prayer about Not Wavering in Worry

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. Psalm 125:1


We want to be like Mount Zion, like Mount Rainier, like Mount Everest, 

our faith and hope so firmly planted 

in your grace, goodness, and generosity 

that we never even tremble when uncertainty comes.

The reality is that we worry about little and large things, 

what-if’s we can’t control: 

what if the plane is delayed and I miss my flight, 

what if my child doesn’t love Jesus, 

what if it’s cancer? 

Help us, by your Spirit, 

to fix our hopes on Jesus, 

who is always in the business of redeeming and restoring. 

Remind us — it is true: 

“As the mountains surround Jerusalem, 

so you surround your people….” (Psalm 125:2)

Like a hen with its brood safely hidden under its wings, 

we are safely ensconced in your perfect love. 

Remind us — it is true: “from this time forth and forevermore….” 

You are not just holding and helping us 

today or in this one moment, 

you are holding and helping us 

every day in every moment.

Thank you for this unshakable hope.

In the name of our faithful Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray. 


Read Psalm 125. 

A Prayer about Being Ready for Christ’s Return

A Prayer about Being Ready for Christ’s Return

Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them, ‘The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed, nor will they say, ‘Look here it is!’ Or ‘There!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” Luke 17:20-21 


 Christ our King,

We confess, 

even as we pray daily, “Thy kingdom come,” 


we can be misled by people 


who tell us we will see flashy signs 


that the day of your return is near. 


You yourself told the Pharisees 


and the disciples 


that we wouldn’t be able to predict 


the coming of your kingdom, 


to know exactly the day or the time. 


You also said that it is already here, 


and indeed, since your first coming to earth, 


the kingdom of God has come near. 


You also instructed your disciples 


to be ready for the day you will come again 


in all of your glory 


to reign over your restored earth 


with all who trust in you. 


What should we do? 


We should be ready. 


What makes us ready? 


Very simply, 


trusting you, 


waiting on you, 


seeking the things of your kingdom. 


Very simply, 


praying for and sharing your love 


with those who refuse to bow before you, 


desiring no one to be eternally separated from you 


because of their rebellion. 


By your grace, draw us near


to your throne of grace daily 


to gain the mercy and grace 


we need 


to wait well for your glorious kingdom.


In your ruling name. Amen.  


Read Luke 17:20-37.


A Prayer about the One Who Is Trustworthy and True

A Prayer about the One Who Is Trustworthy and True

Write this down for these words are trustworthy and true. Revelation 21:5. 

Trustworthy and True Father,

We are distressed to learn 

that many of the leaders and institutions we have put our trust in, 

even spiritual ones, 

are not trustworthy and true. 

In fact, some cultural commentators say

there is an epidemic of mistrust in our world, 

and they may be right. 

How thankful we are 

that throughout Scripture, 

and especially in the wonderful vision of Revelation

about what really will happen one day “soon,” 

you emphasize how trustworthy and true you are. 

You are the God of truth, the God who never lies. 

You have sent your Son as our Savior, 

and he has proven himself 

to be perfectly trustworthy 

and perfectly loving. 

Unlike any of the fallible leaders in the world today, 

Jesus gave his life for us. 

Jesus made good on his promise 

to rise from the dead after three days. 

Jesus delivered on his pledge

to send a greater Helper, the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus ascended to heaven

and sits at your right hand this very minute, 

interceding for us (Romans 8:34).  

Your promise is trustworthy and true. 

Jesus is coming back. 

Jesus is restoring this broken world.

Jesus is making all things new. 

And one day we really will dwell in shalom forever. 

In Jesus’ faithful and true name. Amen.

Read Revelation 21:5; 22:6; 3:14; 19:11.


A Prayer about Remembering and Telling Our Stories

A Prayer about Remembering and Telling Our Stories

 For I will speak to you in a parable.

I will teach you hidden lessons from our past—

stories we have heard and known,

stories our ancestors handed down to us. Psalm 78:2-3

Story-Writing God,

Thank you for the true story of grace 

you have written in Scripture; 

Thank you for the stories of grace 

you have written into our lives. 

May we remember them and share them, 

as the Psalmist Asaph tells us to do.

He says that when we share our stories, 

it helps us and others to…

Turn away from our stubborn persistence 

in living life on our own terms;

Trust in you to rescue and redeem this broken world 

because you have done so in the past;

Hope in you today 

because of how you have already redeemed, 

and how you will restore in the final day; and…

Love others well by showing them 

the grace and mercy we have received.

May we remember that 

one of the best ways we can love others is by 

listening to their stories 

and by sharing our stories and The Story 

that is the basis for all of our faith, hope, and love.

In Jesus’ redeeming name. Amen. 

Read Psalm 78. 

A Prayer about Knowing What Work We’re Called to Do

A Prayer about Knowing What Work We’re Called to Do

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God… 2 Cor. 5:20

Heavenly King,

Many of us struggle with knowing our calling 

and purpose here on this earth. 

We’re not sure which job we’re meant to do, 

or if we’re meant to not work outside the home 

at all in this season. 

As we begin this “work week,” 

show us that we all have a role to play 

in your heavenly kingdom. 

You have given us a title, 

“Ambassador for Christ,” 

and with it comes both privileges and responsibilities. 

We are called to share the good news 

of your peace treaty with others, 

to implore others on behalf of Christ the King—

be reconciled to God. 

We are called to protect the citizens of your country, 

to point them to their safe place in Christ. 

We are called to be compelling representatives of you, 

the King, in this foreign country of the world. 

One day, we will gather together 

with all who serve and worship you 

in your heavenly kingdom, 

the new heavens and the new earth. 

Meanwhile, we seek to do your will 

in carrying out your kingdom plan. 

Energize for us this work this week, 

and show us where you would have us go 

with your message.

In the name of Christ our King we pray. Amen.

Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-21. 


A Prayer about True Freedom

A Prayer about True Freedom

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

Merciful Father,

When the apostle Paul told the Galatians

they had been set free for freedom,

he wasn’t talking politics;

he was talking about

the rich, generous, and gracious

freedom we have in Christ.

On this Independence Day in America,

some of us celebrate America’s freedom,

but even more,

we celebrate the freedom we have

as citizens of your kingdom.

We are…

Freed from sin and shame

to bear the fruit of sanctification

and to live eternal life as your servants,

starting now (Romans 6:22).

Freed to outdo one another in love,

with honor, not slander,

with hospitable hearts,

assuming the best of others, not the worst (Romans 12:9-10).

Freed to serve God and serve others,

not to use our “freedom as a cover-up for evil” (1 Peter 2:16).

Best of all, we are freed

to spend all of our time, money, and energy

giving glory to you,

ourmighty and majestic God (Revelation 1:5-6).

Thank you for these truths which set us truly free (John 8:32).

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read Galatians 5:1-10; Romans 12:9-19; 1 Peter 2:16; Revelation 1:5-6; John 8:32.

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