
A Prayer about Marvelous Nonsense

A Prayer about Marvelous Nonsense

“But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense.”

Luke 24:12


We rejoice today, remembering the early days after your resurrection. 

The women had gone to the tomb looking for you 

and had been told by angels that you weren’t there, 

for you had risen. 

They did as instructed, 

running to tell the apostles the unbelievable good news.

But the apostles thought it was “an idle tale,” “nonsense,” 

even though you had told them on multiple occasions 

that you would rise from the dead (Mark 9:30-32; Matthew 16:21-28; Matthew 17:22-23). 

Lord, we live in a skeptical and cynical world, 

where belief in miracles is often scoffed at. 

Open our minds to study the Scriptures 

and our hearts to the unimaginable 

good news of the gospel. 

Make us like Peter, 

who ran to the tomb to see for himself, 

bent down, looked in, and saw your grave-clothes 

lying in an empty tomb. 

When he realized you were gone, 

he “marveled” at what had happened. 

Make us marvelers too. 

It is an amazing story. It is a marvel-ous story. 

It is a story that changes everything about life and death.

In your risen name. Amen.

Read Luke 24:1-12.

A Prayer about What We Believe

A Prayer about What We Believe

“Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26

Risen Lord,

This is probably the most important question 

we will ever answer 

about the most important truth 

ever revealed:

Martha’s brother Lazarus had died, 

and she was grieving. 

You assured her, 

“Your brother will rise again.” 

And then you told her something 

you had not yet told others, 

“I am the resurrection and the life. 

Whoever believes in me though he die, 

yet shall he live, 

and everyone who lives and believes in me 

shall never die” (John 11:25-26).

Then you asked her, as you ask us, 

“Do you believe this?”

Lord, our answer to this question 

changes everything about today, 

tomorrow, and the rest of our lives on this earth. 

Help us to trust you. 

Help us to know that there is abundant, 

never-ending life beyond the life on this earth. 

Encourage our hearts with this heavenly hope today.

In your risen name,


Read John 11.

A Prayer about the Day of No More Tears

A Prayer about the Day of No More Tears

Healing Lord,

As our family gathers today, 

almost a year after my mom’s death, 

to mourn her passing and remember her life, 

I am camping out in the hope 

of the Day to come 

when there will be no more death, 

nor mourning, nor crying, 

nor pain. 

In these remarkable final chapters of your Word, 

you give us a glimpse of what that day will be like:

We will live in safety and our identity secure in you,

because you will dwell with us (Revelation 21:3).

We will see Jesus face to face, 

and his name will be engraved on our forehead (Revelation 22:4).

We will drink for free and freely 

from the river of the water of life, 

and we will dine lavishly

 on the fruit of the tree of life (Revelation 21:6; 22:1).

We will marvel at your majesty, 

and we will long to serve you and no other (Revelation 22:3).

We will enjoy peaceful community 

of people from every tribe and tongue and nation (Revelation 21:4; 22:2).

There’s more, so much more, 

to that day 

which will last forever. 

We believe your promise, 

“Surely, I am coming soon,” 

and we cry in response, 

“Come, Lord Jesus.”

In your hope-giving name. Amen.

Read Revelation 21-22. 

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5 Ways to Keep Living the Resurrection

5 Ways to Keep Living the Resurrection

Is your resurrection wonder fading fast?

It is two weeks after Easter, and as always, Resurrection wonder is in danger of fading as fast as the pretty pastel eggs.

What do we do when the celebration of new life gets lost in the drudge of daily life? Remember the story!  As we look back at what the followers of Jesus did post-resurrection, we re-discover the joy of living the resurrection.

5 Ways to Keep Living the Resurrection

1. See the Lord and be glad!(John 20:19-20). Some might object, “But we can’t see Jesus the way the disciples could!”Jesus insists that with the Holy Spirit’s help, we can see him as well as the first disciples did. Read a book or passage of the Bible and remember the day you first understood it. Remember a story of how Jesus changed your life when all appeared lost.

2. Run to tell others (Matt 28:8). In 2014, the year after the Boston marathon bombing, the Boston Athletic Association, rather than decreasing the number of people allowed to run, increased the registration limit to 36,000—over 30,000 people entered to prove that “terror will not triumph.” We stake our lives on an even more astonishing message: Jesus rose from the dead. He defeated violence, sin, and death—the final enemy (Hebrews 2:14-15). We should walk, not run, to tell others this good news.

3. Risk to tell others (Luke 24:11)Will you risk mockery, apathy, or even pity for sharing this story of great news? The women ran back from the empty tomb to tell their own community, and those dense disciples thought their words were an “idle tale.” It is, admittedly, hard to believe this story, but we must tell it anyway!

4. Doubt and disbelieve; then stop disbelieving and believe (John 20:27). Poor “doubting Thomas,” who has been much maligned throughout history for demanding to see and touch Jesus’ scars before believing he had risen. How did Jesus respond to Thomas’s doubts? Simply, warmly. “Put your finger here…place your hand in my side.” “Do not disbelieve, but believe.” If you, like Thomas, feel the need to see the proof, persevere. And—look out—the Holy Spirit will sow belief into your heart. Do not disbelieve, but believe.

5. Feed his sheep (John 21:1-21). Reread Jesus’ loving encounter with Peter on that beach. Have you failed Jesus? (Yes.) Have you betrayed him? (Yes.) Are you sometimes a rotten friend like Peter? (Yes.) Then there’s good news! Jesus wants you to share the only story that will satiate the starved sheep of this world. This, as Romans 12:1 says, is our spiritual service of worship!

A Prayer for Living the Resurrection

Lord Jesus, We believe, help our dry, stale, unbelief. Help us to continue living in resurrection wonder, awed at the goodness of our God, awed at the kindness of the cross, awed at the gentleness of our Jesus. Thank you for feeding us your abundant grace; empower us to feed others with this good news. In Jesus’ resurrected name! Amen.

Further Encouragement

1. Read John 20:19-20; John 21:1-21; Matthew 28:8; Luke 24:11.

2. Listen to “Power in the Blood”.

For Reflection

1. Which of these ways of living the resurrection resonates with you today? What ways do you see God calling you to continue living the resurrection?

Spring Comes Again: A Photo Essay

Winter-lovers beware: spring wonder is warming my brittle bones:-):

Sodden leaves, weighed down by winter ice,
now a brittle, broken, tangled, torn battlefield,
having lost the fight to remain green.

Oh, but what?
Stalwart green, warm and winsome,
shoot onto the scene:

Announcing death’s demise.
Hope is born again.

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